Drugs, Depression & Antidepressant Drugs > Antidepressant Drugs > (SSRIs) > Zoloft > Zoloft Side Effects & Zoloft Feedback
It is recommended that you read about serotonin tryptophan and natural antidepressants before using any pharmaceutical antidepressants.
Zoloft Side Effects and Zoloft FeedbackI answer every email I get... leave Zoloft Feedback I would never reveal any personal information people leave, but I will let people see what others have said without ever identifying the sources. ------------------------- I have been taking zoloft for a year now for mild depression. I stopped it a week ago. The first 3 days I suffered from headaches, insomnia and nausea. Those symptoms have now gone bit I still suffer from dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, tremors with palpitations and worse of all a feeling hard to explain, sort of "electric zaps". Will these feelings go away? What can I do? I don't want to take zoloft for the rest of my life... --------------------------- I've been on Zoloft for 5 months (for PMDD) and have gained 11 lbs (while carefully watching my diet and trying to lose weight!!). --------------------------- I started taking zoloft a year ago . I did't feel good right away but after a few weeks i begain to feel good the deppression seemed to go away;i was 135 pounds. After 4 months i gained 55 pounds i did't eat alot.Can anyone tell me if they have gained a lot of weight off these pills. I'am no longer taking the pills its been 2 months and i still don't feel any better . Are they side effects? Can anyone tell me if you can every get off this shit. ---------------------------- I have been on Zoloft for about 4 months and initially felt much better (within a few days of taking it). I had much less social anxiety and my depression seemed to lift. But after a few months, I felt depressed again and have had intense nausea and insomnia. I can't really decide if it is worth having less anxiety or having these side effects that really compromise my health. I may try going off and try a natural approach. ------------------------------- Just wanted to let some of the people who were wondering about weight gain and zoloft, that i too have gained alot of weight after starting zoloft.I have been on a very low cal .low fat diet and haven't lost one ounce and have instead gained more weight.Glad to know now that I am not the only one who has expericenced this and will ask my doctor to change me to somethng else. ---------------------------- I ve been taking zoloft for around 3 years, i take 200 mg a day, i was in a lower dose, but then Dr put me in 200 mg cause i was feeling relly bad, it works when i take the medicine, if i try to leave it depression returns worst, side effects - i have no physical ones, but i have violent dreams, weird dreams, weird thoughts all the time, and most of the depression symptoms are still there, dont know, my doctor doesnt help i think but im not going to a psycologyst i dont like it, anyway hope this can help ---------------------------- I cannot sleep after taking zoloft for about a month. I have to take ativan to get to sleep at all and I was wondering if this side effect goes away after awhile? -------------------------- hey, ------------------------------ Just started taking zoloft for a week for depression
and anxiety. Feel less anxious, feel a bit better, but my stomach is killing
me. Since Friday I have had horrible stomach aches. Plus my stomach makes
all ------------------------- I HAVE BEEN ON ZOLOFT FOR OVER 3 YEARS, BUT MY PRESCRIPTION OF ZOLOFT 100MGS. RAN OUT AND THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY DID NOT DO MY REFILL IN TIME THEREFORE I HAVE BEEN WITHOUT ZOLOFT FOR 3 DAYS NOW. I AM NOT STOPPING IT, JUST RAN OUT AND I WANTED TO KNOW IF I WOULD START TO GET THE MIGRAINES BACK. SO GOOD SO FAR. --------------------- I have been taking Zoloft for 6 mths for anxiety. I am pleased with the results and will continue to use it. Side effects I have experienced include night sweats and bad dreams, aside from this I feel fantastic. ---------------------- I have been taking Zoloft for a week now and every time I take it I have severe stomach camping, diarrhea, I have trouble sleeping and I still have headaches. I started off taking Paxil but I got a non controllable migraine. I had a lot less side affects with the paxil. Don't know how much longer I can take these affects. ---------------------- I am from Australia and have been researching the side
effects Zoloft can have if used long term. I have been on these tablets
for a year now. I began at 50mg, then, 100mg, now I'm at 150mg and have
been for 10 months. ---------------------- I let my doctor prescribe Zoloft and took it for two months, then because it made me feel like a zombie in more than one way I just quit taking it. I am having headaches, dizziness when I turn my head too fast, extreme ringing in my ears, and trouble sleeping, I also have a slight cold and sinus problem at the same time, but that has never made me feel as badly as I do right now, do you think it is because I quit cold turkey on the Zoloft, and if so, should I go back and take it and slowly wean myself off? ----------------------- I took Zoloft for about 6 months and I gained 15 pounds during that time. I also have had severe sinus and cold symptoms for the last three months. I stopped taking Zoloft last week, I tapered off from the 50 mg prescribed down to 25 mg for four days then I stopped completely. Since then I still have the cold and sinus problems and I am so crabby my husband cant stand me! I am wondering if these side effects will ever go away? |
It is also recommended that you read about serotonin and tryptophan before using any antidepressants.
Drugs, Depression & Antidepressant Drugs > Antidepressant Drugs > (SSRIs) > Zoloft > Zoloft Side Effects & Zoloft Feedback