Drugs, Depression & Antidepressant Drugs > Antidepressant Drugs > (SSRIs) > Lexapro (escitalopram oxalate)

It is recommended that you read about serotonin tryptophan and natural antidepressants before using any pharmaceutical antidepressants.


History of Lexapro: One of the members of the selective serotonin re uptake inhibitor family, Lexapro is a prescription antidepressant which was created by Forest Pharmaceuticals and approved by the FDA in August of 2002.

Lexapro caution: Although each SSRI manufacture admit they do not know how their respective drugs work, each claim that they help to correct a “chemical imbalance of the brain.” SSRIs prescribed in the wrong dosage may cause servere chemical imbalances.

Lexapro side effects: Lexapro is actually the single-active isomer of Celexa, and has been found more effective than Celexa in clinical studies. Lexapro has a more selective interaction than many of the other SSRIs. The side effects for Lexapro are still the same as the side effects of other SSRIs. Prozac side effects. However, due to its selectivity Lexapro seems to have side effects which are more rarely occurring and relatively milder than those caused by other SSRIs..

Due to its selectivity Lexapro causes few undesired mental interactions relative to other SSRIs. If one were to take natural antidepressants they could avoid almost any of the undesired side effects of SSRIs. I have a couple friends who are taking Lexapro who say it is working fine for them so far...I will update this page if that changes.

Lexapro Feedback

Drug Awareness

It is also recommended that you read about serotonin and tryptophan before using any antidepressants.


Drugs, Depression & Antidepressant Drugs > Antidepressant Drugs > (SSRIs) > Lexapro (escitalopram oxalate)