Drugs, Depression & Antidepressant Drugs > Depression > Environmental Factors of Depression > Depression Poem

Depression Poem

Here is a small poem I wrote about depression and the feelings of inadequacy that were brought to me each day on the submarine.


I have not a care in the world
as the world for I
free as a bird,
locked in a cage.
I see the sun, but am afraid
I look back to this bleak black hole,
home, all I know
ashamed I sit and write
continuing on this loosing fight
I count the days as they pass
just wishing, wishing for my last

Even though other people will write more depressing poetry and better poems, that will remain eternally my favorite poem as I remember the pain and misery which led me to write it. I felt that bad only after a few years. Imagine how horrible my sister feels being wrongfully locked up for over 20 years.

Drugs, Depression & Antidepressant Drugs > Depression > Environmental Factors of Depression > Depression Poem